of DM Libraries.

A full synchronization solution for maintaining validation data between OpenText eDOCS libraries.

Keeping DM libraries current and consistent

WincSync for eDOCS dramatically reduces the administrative overhead required to maintain validation data across multiple libraries in a multi-tier environment while supplying consistency of operation to the end user. WincSync ensures that any validation item on a master library (any value available as a lookup on a profile form, people, groups, document types, clients, etc.) is automatically available in every library. It then replicates changes to all other selected libraries, reducing manual administration and ensuring that users have a consistent working methodology, regardless of location.

WincSync Benefits

  • Fast ROI – Administration is a time consuming process, often tying up skilled DM resources. WincSync can dramatically reduce this overhead in even the largest environments.
  • Increased productivity – By supplying standard values, users can move from library to library maintaining standard working practices.
  • Improved compliance – Auditing and quality control is simplified, as values are consistent across multiple repositories.
  • Improved flexibility – By removing the administrative overhead normally incurred in creating and maintaining additional libraries, modeling for additional libraries, such as archive libraries, topology can be based on need.
  • Rich features – WincSync can synchronize any validation data, including custom values between any collections of libraries, allowing the client to design the correct infrastructure for their environment.

"Just today, we used WincTools to swiftly assist us in emergency file server migration. We use these tools on a daily basis.  They help us out tremendously with day-to-day administration, and on project work.  It would be virtually impossible to do our jobs without it!" Ryan Steele & Ashley Jones Hogan Lovells International, LLP
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